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Loss Control – Why It Matters and How You Can Lower Claims

A person in a suit cutting a declining graph line with scissors, indicating financial loss.

Join us online on November 12th for “Loss Control – Why It Matters” and discover the importance of keeping things in check!

Our employees are our most important asset. Without them we cannot run our organizations and provide services to our constituents. Our property is our lifeblood. What happens if we don’t have equipment to provide services and buildings to house them in? Our bottom line relies heavily on our ability to protect our assets and keep our business running efficiently.

In this webinar we will discuss the importance of loss control and how you can ensure your business stays afloat. From property and equipment loss to lost time from employee injuries, we will discuss how you can implement strategies to avoid losses and preserve operations.

A bout the Presenter:

Josh Barkley comes to us with a M.S in Occupational Safety and Health. He credits his education with giving him the foundation to becoming a jack-of-all-trades in safety, risk management, and loss prevention. Right from school, he went on to work in an impressive variation of fields including manufacturing, construction, oil and gas, and other environments. Along with the strength of his background, Josh’s biggest strength is his people skills.



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