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How to Manage Drivers in Qorta

SambaSafety Qorta Instructions
To add a driver

  • On the "People" page select "Add New"
  • Select "New Person"
  • For Colorado:
    • First Name, Middle Name (if you have it) Last Name, SFX is applicable
    • Search Group and select the correct District the driver belongs to
    • Date of Birth
    • License State
    • License #
    • SAVE

To remove a driver

  • Use the magnifying glass icon on the upper right-hand side of the “People” page to search for a driver
  • Select the driver and open their page
  • Select “Monitoring” and turn monitoring off
  • In the first section, select the pencil icon on the right-hand side to edit the information
  • Select the “Status” box and change it from “Active” to “Archive"
  • Select "Save Person"

To update driver information

  • Use the magnifying glass icon on the upper right-hand side of the "People" page to search for a driver
  • Select the driver and open their page
  • Select “Monitoring” and turn monitoring off
  • Scroll down to the “License Summary” section at the bottom of the page and select the pencil icon on the right hand side to edit the information
  • Make the necessary changes
  • Select “Purchase MVR” on the top right-hand side
  • Select “Monitoring” and turn monitoring on
  • Select “Save Person”

To run a report of a member’s drivers

  • Go to "Reports" tab
  • Scroll down
  • Select “MVR History Report”
  • Filter the Group by selecting the upside down lined triangle on the right hand side
  • In the "Group" box, select the group you want
  • Select the upside down arrow at the top right hand side and download the report in Excel.

Turn on Continuous MVR Alerts

  1. Login to Qorta
  2. Click on your Username shown in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Click into “User Preferences”
  4. There – you will select if you would like to receive daily or continuous updates. Here is what the screens should look like:
  5. Once an option is selected, users will automatically start receiving emails based on the type of alerts checked under User Preferences