2025 Property and Liability Renewal Details

August 15, 2024 | CSD Team
Based on the performance of the CSD Pool program, the 2025 renewal will bring rate and coverage changes under both Property and Liability. For more information about your upcoming renewals, including who to contact, timeline, and tips, visit our Renewal Information Hub.
Updated Rates and Pricing
Members may see increases or decreases in contributions due to changes within their district, such as:
- Changes, deletions or additions in exposures such as operating expenses, scheduled property and equipment values, number of vehicles, number of employees, and/or payroll changes.
- Change in an individual member’s loss experience (losses compared to contributions) over an 8-year period.
In addition, special districts will see the following:
Property / Auto Physical Damage
- Rate increases ranging from 4% to 7%, which will apply to Property, Auto Physical Damage and Equipment Breakdown, based on the overall experience of each district type.
- The Property coverage line continues to underperform due to the numerous weather events and inflation costs occurring over the last 5 years. To improve the position under this specific coverage line, an additional 2.75% increase will be added to the rates above (so the new range increase will be 6.75% to 9.75%).
- For districts located in hail-prone counties along the Front Range and East Slope Foothills, there will be a 7% increase to the wind and hail surcharge rate applicable to Buildings, Outdoor Property and Other than Collision (OTC) Auto Physical Damage. The CSD Pool implemented a hail surcharge under Property and Auto Physical Damage after the large 2018 hail losses. Rather than adding a large surcharge, it was decided to add incremental increases over a 10-year period to achieve rate stabilization and help avoid rate spikes when bad weather occurs. We are still within that incremental period which is why districts are seeing another increase.
- The Wind and Hail Deductible Endorsement will continue to apply to all members in the event of hail and/or wind damage to covered property As a reminder, the endorsement states that in the event of damage to a scheduled building or structure (outdoor property) caused by wind or hail, the deductible is increased to 2% of the value of the covered damaged property and applicable business income, subject to a $5,000 minimum and $50,000 maximum per occurrence, unless a higher deductible is scheduled at the damaged location, for members with a total real and outdoor property value of $25M. The maximum per occurrence above increases to $75,000 for members with a total real and outdoor property value exceeding $25M.
- The Wind and Hail Deductible Buyback Endorsement will again be available in 2025, which, if purchased, will reduce the deductible to $5,000 in lieu of 2%. The annual deadline to add this endorsement is May 1.
- The Cosmetic Damage Exclusion Endorsement will continue apply to all members with scheduled property.
- Building values and contents values are trended for inflation and for 2025 that percentage will be between 1% and 3%.
- The flood rate for properties located in high-risk Zone A will increase by 5%.
- Members who do not participate in the SambaSafety continuous driver monitoring software service will continue to receive a 5% surcharge on their Automobile Physical Damage rate.
Crime, including Identity Theft Recovery
- All districts will receive a 2% rate increase.
Public Entity Liability
- Rate increases ranging from 2% to 5% which will apply to General Liability, Automobile Liability and Public Official’s Liability, based on the overall experience of each district type.
- Members who do not participate in the SambaSafety continuous driver monitoring software service will continue to receive a 5% surcharge on their Automobile Liability rate.
Volunteer Accident
- The rate for Volunteer Accident coverage will increase by 50%. This may sound like a lot, however, no one district will pay more than approximately $350 in additional annual contribution as a result of this rate increase.
- The minimum premium of $35 will increase to $50.
Coverage Documents
Changes will be made to the following Coverage Documents for 2025:
- Common Terms and Conditions
- Property
- Public Entity Liability
- Automobile Physical Damage
Most updates are non-substantive; they clarify certain coverage areas, and no coverage was removed or restricted. A summary of the changes and the 2025 version of these forms will be available on our website by December 1 for your reference.
The Pool offers discounts against your contribution. Some areas that you can take advantage of are:
- 8% Multi-Program Discount on the Property and Liability contribution when Workers’ Compensation is also placed with the CSD Pool. Workers’ Compensation: if your Workers’ Compensation coverage is not currently with the CSD Pool, please email us a copy of your current policy at wc@csdpool.org, and we can send you a Proposal for consideration.
- Increasing deductibles: the average cost savings by coverage line is 10% to 25%.
- Members with sanitation operations can receive a 33% credit for participation in the Sanitation Maintenance Warranty Program. This discount applies to the portion of liability contributions attributed to sanitation operating expenses.
2025 Property and Liability Renewal Deadlines
- October 31 – All districts’ online renewal updates should be completed.
- November 1 – Districts that do not complete the online renewal will automatically receive 2025 invoices with a 10% surcharge to the contribution
We will begin issuing renewal documents October 1st and they will be processed in the same first-in/first-out basis from when your complete submission was received. So please keep in mind that the sooner you submit your complete submission, the sooner we can issue your 2025 coverage documents.
Should you have any questions, please email pc@csdpool.org or call us at 800-318-8870, ext. 2. Thank you for renewing your coverage with the CSD Pool.