General Liability Audit

May 15, 2021 | CSD Team
To provide a smooth renewal experience and better meet the needs of small districts, select minimum-contribution Property & Liability policies are renewed automatically by the CSD Pool each year. While automatic renewal ensures that policy documents reach these members early – in time for 4th quarter budget meetings – it’s important to ensure the accuracy of both the scheduled exposures and the associated contacts for these policies. To that end, the CSD Pool will be conducting a midyear audit of contacts and General Liability exposures on the policies flagged for automatic renewal.
What Can I Expect from the Audit?
Similar to the Workers’ Compensation year-end audit and the recent Driver Data Collection, the midyear audit will run through our risk management information system, Origami Risk. In July, members and brokers with Property & Liability policies that automatically renew will receive an email from inviting them to review the contacts currently assigned to their districts and the General Liability exposures currently scheduled on their policies. If is not currently whitelisted on your incoming email server, now is the time to do it to ensure that you don’t miss important emails from us moving forward.
What Can I Expect Once the Audit Is Complete?
Once your audit has been submitted, our underwriters will review your submission for accuracy and contact you with any required changes. General Liability exposure corrections may result in bills or credits. If a refund is owed to you due to these corrections, a check will be mailed. If there is a resulting bill amount, you will receive an interim invoice for the contribution owed to the CSD Pool. All changes, including contact updates, will be implemented immediately and reflected in the automatic renewals issued later in the year.
If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at