Ready For Anything: Responding To A Phishing Attack

January 20, 2021 | CSD Team
Be Prepared for this Cybersecurity Event
How To Prevent Phishing Attacks:
- Implement an awareness and training program for staff
- Place interval controls to prevent any one person from having unrestricted, unmonitored information
- Institute policies forbidding the transfer of financial assets and personal information unless accompanied by verbal or in-person confirmation from stakeholders
- Use caution with unsolicited calls or emails from anyone asking for internal information
- Use anti-virus software, firewalls, and spam filters as directed by IT staff
- Use complex passwords at least eight characters long, including letters, numbers, and special characters (!, #, @, $, etc.)
If You Accidentially Click A Phishing Link But Aren’t Sure Of Infection:
- Immediately contact management and your network administrators
- Isolate your computer from your district’s network
- From a separate computer, change your passwords that grant access to systems
- Refer to IT administrators to determine if an infection has actually occurred
- Notify your insurer
- CSD Pool members should visit eRisk Hub’s Incident Roadmap to determine if the event is a real incident
If You Were Successfully Phished Or A Victim Of Social Engineering:
- Immediately contact management and your network administrators
- Secure all network logs, audits, notes, and any other documentation on the incident
- Notify your insurer
- Contact law enforcement and legal counsel for assistance
- If necessary, prepare notifications to any customers or employees whose information has been compromised and obtain credit monitoring services on their behalf
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