Legislative Update On SB 21-073 & SB 21-256

August 13, 2021 | CSD Team
SB 21-073 (Civil Action Statute of Limitations Sexual Assault)
SB 21-073 has been signed into law and will take effect on January 1, 2022. SB 21-073 amends current law as follows:
- Removes the previous statute of limitations (6 years) for a civil claim based on sexual assault or offense against a child.
- Amends related statutory provisions to broaden the cause of action, including an express inclusion of claims for misconduct against a person or entity that is not the perpetrator.
For more information, review the materials on the bill information page at leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb21-073.
SB 21-256 (Local Regulation of Firearms)
SB 21-256 took effect upon signature on June 19, 2021 and authorizes local governments to take actions to regulate firearms. For special districts, the important changes are:
- Local governments, including special districts, may prohibit a permittee from carrying a concealed handgun in certain areas in its jurisdiction;
- Local governments must post signs at the public entrances which inform persons that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in the building or specific area;
- For special districts, the prohibition can apply in a building or specific area under the direct control or management of the district, including a building or facility managed pursuant to an agreement between the district and a contractor; and
- SB 21-256 allows local governments to impose civil penalties for a violation of the conceal carry prohibition and require the person to leave the premises.
Please note that there are other provisions that provide additional authority to municipalities, counties, and consolidated city-county governments. For more information, review the materials on the bill information page at leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb21-256.