New Updates To SambaSafety Program

April 24, 2024 | CSD Team
Newest SambaSafety Updates
The CSD Pool partners with SambaSafety to offer continuous motor vehicle reporting to all eligible members. Motor vehicle reports, or MVRs, are one of the most effective tools to manage the risk of automobile use and must be obtained annually, at least, to determine if re-training, removal, or restriction of driving responsibilities may be necessary for drivers.
Recently, a few updates have been made to the program that members should know about.
Now Accepting Utah Drivers
SambaSafety and the CSD Pool can now process MVRs for Utah license holders. While most drivers have Colorado licenses, some districts have drivers from out of state that need to be on their drivers list. The only two states’ licenses we cannot process at this time are Pennsylvania and California.
MVR Price Update
As of January 2024, the price to pull MVRs for drivers with Colorado licenses has increased from $2.20 to $6.00. Districts will now see this reflected in their quarterly reports we send out. Remember, districts will not be billed unless they accrue $100 or more in MVR orders over a 12-month period from July-June. Districts with available Safety and Loss Prevention Grant funds are also able to submit their paid invoice for 50% reimbursement.
Driver Reporting Update
Districts no longer need to send in their drivers to us. If you are not participating in SambaSafety, you don’t need to worry about emailing us your drivers at this time. Please note that districts with Auto Liability and Auto Physical Damage coverage who do not participate will continue to incur a 5% surcharge on their contribution.
If your district IS participating, the SambaSafety admin user(s) for the district need to be adding and removing the drivers themselves. This ensures the district is actively monitoring their drivers. Typically, districts have 1-2 admin users and will have access to MVRs and license information for all the drivers they list in their district. Admin users can also set up notifications so that when a violation has been reported, they are notified about it.
The admin user will also need to have logged in at least once during the 12-month cycle to show that the district is actively monitoring their drivers. Otherwise, the district will be given the surcharge.
We do not currently exclude drivers for driving for a district, but we recommend following standard fleet safety guidelines. If you’d like to update the admin users for your district’s SambaSafety account, or if you need a new login link, contact us at (email).
More Information
For more information on the SambaSafety program, visit our SambaSafety site. There, you will also find our program’s frequently asked questions and a helpful guide to getting started and adding and removing drivers on SambaSafety.
For any other questions about the program, contact our team (email).