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Out Of State Employee Coverage Options Available

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May 2, 2023 | CSD Team

Currently, Workers’ Compensation coverage is limited to covering exposure only for employees in the state of Colorado. This means that any employees who work permanently outside of Colorado would be ineligible for the CSD Pool’s coverage.

An exception to this is extended to employees who are temporary assigned to an authorized job site for less than six months, such as attending a conference in another state, or assisting other states firefighting operations, which are generally covered.

In a very limited capacity, our workers’ compensation carrier, Safety National Casualty Corporation (SNCC) has agreed to extend limited coverage specifically for our members’ remote clerical office employees who reside and work permanently outside of Colorado, in reference to these specific NCCI codes 8810 clerical and 8871 telecommuting.

Coverage is contingent upon an application showing satisfactory loss history from the prior three years and a current risk control report. SNCC will make the final determination for coverage approval.

If you have clerical office employees who work permanently outside of the state of Colorado and have not obtained proper coverage, feel free to reach out to us at for more information on this new option for CSD Pool members.


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